Contacto Cochabamba
Para cualquier duda o pregunta, siéntase libre de comunicarse con nosotros
Av. Chapare s/n Carretera a Sacaba Km.5
Cochabamba, Bolivia
(591-4) 472 0674 – 472 0685
Línea Gratuita
800 10 8352
(591-4) 472 0744
Horario de Atención
Lunes a Viernes: 08:00 a 17:00
Sábados: 08:00 a 12:00
Appointment Request
Nam in metus suscipit, laoreet nulla ac, lacinia justo. Integer eget erat sit amet leo.
“My goal is to help my patients break through barriers that keep them from reaching their full potential and live a happier life.”
― Dr. Janet Parker ―